包括John Holinger、Marc Narducci、David Aldridge在內的眾家媒體記者都很好奇為什麼是選在這時候fire Billy King。他的3 stage rebuilding program 現在是在第二階段,而自從Sixers決定rebuild之後,發展都在預期之中,在執行到一半的時候選擇撤換主事者的確相當弔詭。媒體從Ed Snider口中也探不出任何蛛絲馬跡。
先回想一下過去Mo Cheeks當上Sixers總教練的過程,當時將Sixers帶入季後賽的總教練Jim O'Brien也是很快被開除,然後馬上由Mo接任。對照這次Billy King在沒有任何徵兆的情況下被開除,也許可以合理推測Ed Snider在front office的人事變更模式:先鎖定目標,在目標解套之後,立即納入工作團隊。這其實也不是什麼驚人之舉,正常的政商團體在人事的異動上大抵如此,第一避免消息提早發出,影響團隊士氣;第二,前任與續任之間不會有無政府空窗期。

John Smallwood的報導:
"[Stefanski] has been on our radar for about 5 days," Snider said yesterday at a news conference to introduce Stefanski as the new
president and general manager. "We didn't know he was available.We didn't know we were going to be able to talk to him."
"[Luukko] just called [Thorn] and asked. When [Thorn gave permission], Ed got on our radar."
"You don't have opportunities like this that often,'' Snider said."It's hard to find key executives in this league. And to find one that we think is a perfect fit had us move faster than we probably would have."
The fact that the Nets put a limit on the time the Sixers would be permitted to negotiate with Stefanski stepped up the pace of King's demise.
"The longer Ed was there, he would not be available because he would be working on [the Nets'] trades, draft, etc.," Snider said. "It was either now or not at all."

Billy King當政的時代最被人詬病的地方就在於球員的簽約,不過他在選秀的眼光算是不錯。Ed Stefanski在歐陸地區有非常好的球探系統,他來到Sixers,剛好可以把Sixers在國際球員scouting的不足給補強,除此之外,他在交易以及選秀方面的表現也十分優秀。這是對於Sixers在未來重建最值得期待的部分。

Billy King為Ed留下了很好的重建材料,現在的主戰陣容大多都是Sixers自己養出來的,很期待Ed如何利用他們為Sixers的rebuilding帶來新的氣象。

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